DIN Certco認證 

概述:[中介]DIN CERTCO operates a certification scheme for compostable products made of biodegradable materials and licenses the use of the corresponding Mark developed by European Bioplastics

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DIN CERTCO operates a certification scheme for compostable products made of biodegradable materials and licenses the use of the corresponding Mark developed by European Bioplastics (the former IBAW Interest Group for Biodegradable Materials).
Certification is here an integral part of an industrial recycling system. It enables compostable products to be identified by a unique mark and channelled for recovery of their constituent materials in specially developed processes. The Compostability Mark thus conveys product information to waste-disposal plant operators and product image to consumers.
A certfication can be conducted according to the following well international accpeted standards:
★DIN EN 13432 "Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation - Test scheme and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of packaging"
★ASTM D 6400 "Standard Specification for Compostable Plastics"
Scope of Testing
Depending on the properties and composition of the materials, intermediates, biodegradable additives or final products, the following tests may be necessary:
●Chemical testing
●Laboratory testing of total biodegradability
●Disintegration under composting conditions
●Ecological non-toxicity
These tests ensured that, among other things, no heavy metals enter the soil and the compost quality is not adversely affected.
Materials, additives and intermediates can be registered.
Any products that enter the market can be certified. For example, they may consist of materials that have already been registered. The right to use the Compostable Mark will be granted. It is ensured that compostability is tested in an economically efficient manner. By structuring the certification system in registration and certification, testing costs are kept to a minimum.
Control Test
Product samples are regularly checked to ensure the product’s conformity with the originally certified components.
Assessment and Certification
After successful assessment by DIN CERTCO a certificate and the right to use the respective DIN certification mark together with an individual registration number for a fixed period of time specified in the certification scheme is awarded.