克魯勃Kluber NONTROP GB 3 G 

概述:深圳市順利達潤滑油有限公司銷售 聯(lián)系電話:13631557081 李先生 微信同號!詳情請來電咨詢!

2024-10-22 16:27:51 點擊53113次
信用:4.0  隱性收費:4.0
描述:4.0  產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量:4.0
物流:4.0  服務(wù)態(tài)度:4.0
默認4分 我要打分

克魯勃Kluber NONTROP GB 3 G,深圳市順利達潤滑油有限公司銷售 聯(lián)系電話:13631557081 李先生 微信同號!詳情請來電咨詢!Available range

Aurelia XL is available in SAE 30 and 40 grades and in a range of BN’s with the major grades being BN 30 BN40 and BN55. For special applications BN 25 and BN 65 grades are also available.
Condition Monitoring – Diagomar Plus
The help reduce costly downtime and to optimize and extend engine oil life Lubmarine recommends that ship operators use Lubmarine’s independent condition monitoring service Diagomar Plus.