73G30HSL BK416 加纖30 熱穩(wěn)定PA6 高機械強度 汽車家電應用
Zytel 73G30HSL BK416 是一款熱穩(wěn)定型, 30% 玻璃纖維增強聚酰胺 6 牌號。它具有很高的機械強度,剛度和韌性的出色平衡,良好的高溫性能,良好的電氣和可燃性。它還具有良好的熔體穩(wěn)定性和良好的奈磨性和耐化學性。它提供了著色的能力。Zytel 73G30HSL BK416 適用于注塑成型加工。它用于汽車、家具、家用電器、體育用品和建筑行業(yè)。
Zytel 73G30HSL BK416 is a heat-stabilized, 30% glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6 grade. It exhibits high mechanical strength, excellent balance of stiffness & toughness, good high temperature performance, good electrical as well as flammability properties. It also exhibits good melt stability & good abrasion- and chemical- resistance. It offers the ability to be colored. Zytel 73G30HSL BK416 is suitable for processing by injection molding. It is used in automotive, furniture, domestic appliances, sporting goods and construction industry.

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