
概述:具有潔凈、氣密、抗菌、環(huán)保功能的自動門 批量生產(chǎn)銷售醫(yī)用門、氣密門、潔凈門、實驗室門,個性化定制,歐洲品質(zhì)標準,長期出口。

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Medical door/hospital door series

醫(yī)用門系列:                      醫(yī)用平開門medical swing door

                                         醫(yī)用自動門                           醫(yī)用普通自動門

common medical door


air-tight medical door


1. 醫(yī)用門介紹introduction of medical doors


It is a special door type for hospital 、labouratory used ,custom made for different situations and special requirements. It is such kind of sliding door which concentrated air tight、soundproof、heat-insulating、crushing-resistance、vibrate-proof、fire-proof and radiation protection in one.


   ORT swing door : single open door and double open,manual swing style.ORT medical automatic door: medical common door,medical air tight door(medical lead protective door).according to the opening method divided into medical automatical door and medical swing door. According to the material divided into common door(steel board,fire-proof board) and special material door(lead plate protection).ORT medical door ,your best choice for different situations.

2.應用領域  Application fields

廣泛應用于醫(yī)院、實驗室、藥廠、IT電子行業(yè)、科研機構等凈化要求比較高的場所。 It is widely use in hospital ,lab,pharmaceutical factory,IT electron industry,scientific research institution ,etc , which place has high requires for the cleansing.


3.醫(yī)用門分類 medical door sort


Oriental medical door ,divided to medical swing door and medical automatic door.

醫(yī)用平開門:   分單開和雙開之分,為手動平開方式。

Medical swing door: single open and double open, manual swing opening method.

醫(yī)用自動門:   分為普通醫(yī)用門和醫(yī)用氣密門(醫(yī)用鉛防護門)

Medical automatic door: common medical door and airtight medical door(medical lead protective door)

普通醫(yī)用門:   門框為鋁合金,門體材料為彩鋼板,門體四周也放置密封膠條,軌道為普通平移門軌道,使用與一般場合。通常有外掛式和嵌入式安裝

Common medical door:door frame is aluminium,the material of door panel is color plate,sealing joint strip is put wrapped the door frame,common tracks generally used.hanging and fluorinating installation method for your choice.

氣密自動門:   又有常規(guī)氣密和特殊氣密之分,常規(guī)氣密門只需要軌道為氣密軌道,門體普通材料即可。用于一般儀器室,檢測室等;特殊氣密要求——醫(yī)用鉛防護門(防輻射醫(yī)用門)

Air tight automatic door:common and special air tight door.common air tight door only need air tight track and common door frame.apply to common lab,inspection room,etc.For special air tight door use for lead protection

醫(yī)用鉛防護門(防輻射醫(yī)用門):   首先需要氣密效果,具有自動反彈、抗輻射、安全防夾、靜音、停電輕啟、電氣系統(tǒng)安全等多種特殊功能。氣密門在關閉時,通過動力梁內(nèi)導軌及凹槽的配合,門體會自動向內(nèi)3毫米,向下5毫米,確保密封。醫(yī)用氣密門門體材料內(nèi)襯2-3毫米鉛板,可遮蔽X射線,防止多種有害射線泄漏對人體造成傷害。可采用平移兼氣密式自動門做載體。

Medical lead protective door(radiation protective door):first need to have air tight effect,with rebond、radiation proof、clip proof、mute-proof、and electric system security ect such special functions. When the door closing,through the track cooperating with the groove,it will automaticly close inwards3 mm and downward 5 mm to make sure hermetic sealing. Inside meterial of medical air tight door is 2-3mm lead plate,can shield X-ray ,and prevent a variety of harmful rays leakage from harming human body. Can use sliding and air tight automatic door as a carrier.



醫(yī)用鉛防護門通過中國疾病預防控制中心輻射防護與核安全醫(yī)學所檢測,符合診斷X射線防護要求。  Medical lead protective door is approved by CDC and radiation protection and Nuclear safety medical center, completely meet the X radiation protection requires.

▲技術參數(shù)和結構圖 technical parameters and structural drawing

(一)醫(yī)用平開門:技術參數(shù)與結構圖 medical swing door:technical parameters and structural drawing



門扇重量(kg):≤120kg(單扇) door weight(kg) ≤120kg(single leaf)

門洞寬度W(mm):≤2500    door width  W(mm):≤2500

門扇形式:單開,雙開     door leaf style: single open,double open

開門方式:手動平開        opening way: manual swing

開門形式:手動推拉(注意推拉方向) opening style: manual push(notice the direction of pushing)

關門形式:門體通過上裝閉門器自動閉合  closing style: autoclosing by door closer.


(2)醫(yī)用自動門技術參數(shù)與示意圖 medical auto door technical parameter and sketch map


門體重量(kg)    ≤70kg(普通門體)   ≤120kg(鉛板門體)

Door weight(kg)    ≤70kg(common door)   ≤120kg(lead door panel)


最大寬度(mm)   2240mm           maximum width(mm)   2240mm


開啟速度(mm/s)  150-350       opening speed(mm/s)  150-350            

關閉速度(mm/s)  100-350       closing speed (mm/s)  100-350

開門時間(s)      1-9秒           opening time(s)      1-9 seconds

停電時手動開啟力   35N        manual opening force when power off   35N

電源要求:     AC200-250V   50/60HZ   power supply requirements

環(huán)境溫度:     -5℃—+40℃   invironment temperature

安裝方式:  installing method

嵌入式(門洞內(nèi)安裝)  embeded installing( install in the door hole)

外掛式(表面安裝) external mounting ( install outside)




4.門體特征:door panel feature

1.門扇:醫(yī)用門專用鋁合金框料  49寬X45厚X2.0壁厚,  牢固結實,

       鋁型材顏色為電泳噴砂白,                       外觀干凈美觀。

       扇裝配均用鋁角碼和鐵角碼,表面平整,角度保證。 平整性好,拆卸方便。

Door panel: medical special aluminium frame, 49X45X2.0(wall thickness),strong and firm, color is electrophoresis white,clean and beautiful appearance.

It equiped with aluminium connector and iron connector,flat surface,stable angle,good smoothness,easy to take apart.


用于一般場合,如 通道門,儲存室等   滿足衛(wèi)生要求


特殊使用   如實驗室,試驗室   具有具有自動反彈、抗輻射、

Material:color plate、common use

          Apply to genaral situations,such as access door,storage room,etc, to meet sanitary requirements.


Stainless steel plate(containing aluminium plate)

Special use ,such as lab,test room, can rebound automatically、anti-radiation


3.彩鋼板顏色:天藍和灰白,荷葉綠和米黃色  4種

Color plate colour: sky blue,greyish white, lotus leaf green and rice yellow.



5特點和功能 feature and function


門體采用發(fā)泡工藝填充周密,有很高的平整性,同時提供多種彩鋼板顏色滿足醫(yī)院衛(wèi)生和使用要求。Door frame is used foam filling to make air tight,and highly smooth and kinds of colors for choice according to the sanitation and using requirements.


The profession air tight strips is used to wrap the door frame.with special compact technology,to ensure the door has good air tight effect when closed.


Medical automatic door equiped with foot sensor and special handle,it is convinient for medical workers to open .when power off,easy to open the door with the special handle.simple and convenient for using.


According to your working habit and working requirements,users can choose other induction(closely induction switch, push switch,remote,etc)to make perfect effect.


(2)控制功能:control system

1系統(tǒng)自學習和自診斷——客戶只需開啟電源,  系統(tǒng)將自我學習,診斷故障,

Self-learning and self-diagnosis system—put the power on,and the system will start self-learning and self-diagnosis .

2.自動、常開、常閉、單向、半開;  客戶可根據(jù)其使用的時間和要求選擇不同的開門方式according to your requires setting the modes for the door.automatically open,always open,always closed,single open,half open


multi-control ports---connect the outside equipments.and extend to the using of overlapping automatic door.


Reserved ports for the fire control or the building control system.

5.信號采集形式:   微波(紅外)感應型  感應頭式(標配)  

                腳控感應型    腳踏開關

                近距離感應型  近距離感應開關

                接觸型        開門按鈕,觸壓開關,磁ka開關等

                輔助控制型    門禁系統(tǒng)、遙控

Signal collection type: microwave (infrared) induction type   sensor style (standard)

                    Foot  control induction type      foot  sensor

                    Closely induction type          closely induction switch

                   Touch type        exit button , push switch, magcard switch

                   Assist control system         access contry、remote control

6.安全防碰防夾功能Clip-proof function



6.銷售配置形式(產(chǎn)品提供)production sales

1.整套門機       含驅(qū)動裝置外,含導軌和蓋板

A complete set of operator   besides driving unit,including track and cover.

2. 整套門機加專用配件   配件:腳踏開關,近距離感應開關,手術燈等 根據(jù)客戶要求選配

A complete operator with special parts   parts: foot sensor,closely induction switch, operating lamp,etc . optinal according to clients requirements.

3.整套醫(yī)用門扇    門機采用其他品牌的,故可提供門扇

A complete door panel    operator can use other brand,can supply door panel only.

4.整套醫(yī)用門     可提供現(xiàn)場安裝 

A complete medical door    can provide field installation
