圓形旋振篩密封皮 φ1米振動篩密封皮
概述:圓形旋振篩密封皮 φ1米振動篩密封皮,振動篩密封皮--是振動篩行業(yè)中不可缺少的配件之一,主要用在振動篩網架,防塵蓋上,為了更好的密封振動篩篩框之間的連接,防止原料流體或固體微粒從相鄰結合面間泄漏,
圓形旋振篩密封皮 φ1米振動篩密封皮,振動篩密封皮--是振動篩行業(yè)中不可缺少的配件之一,主要用在振動篩網架,防塵蓋上,為了更好的密封振動篩篩框之間的連接,防止原料流體或固體微粒從相鄰結合面間泄漏,防止外界雜質如灰塵與水分等侵入機器設備內部的部件材料,同時減輕震動篩在振動中對篩框的破壞力;聯(lián)系人;王經理,聯(lián)系電話;15503739955/13849370432,微信;z13409210148
U type seal:
1, a U-shaped sealing piece plasticity is very strong, has good elasticity and anti compression deformation, aging is rotary vibration sieve (three dimensional vibration sieve) will be one of the parts, mainly installed in the grid and cluster sieves lateral sealing, buffer, shock proof, anti slip, dust-proof;
2, U type sealing material are: natural rubber, food grade silicone, high temperature resistant silicone, polyurethane, PTFE and other materials;
V type seal:
1, V type sealing strip is mainly installed in the bottom frame of the vibrating screen and the box and the vibration screen frame and the dust cover contact part of the sealing medium, mainly plays the role of sealing, buffer, shock absorption, seal has the characteristics of elasticity, insulation, waterproof and air.
2, V type sealing is vibration screen is the important component of, with screen mesh for wearing parts, if installed on the machine is not disassembled frequently, the service life is more than half a year, removing the more frequently, the more easily damaged.
3, V type sealing strip from the material can be divided into: rubber, silicone, polyurethane, etc.. Rubber V type sealing strip is the most common one, the biggest characteristic of the rubber is the elastic modulus is small, but the elongation is very high. Silica gel V type sealing strip is mainly used in food, medicine, chemical and other health conditions require high, there are special characteristics of the material, such as high temperature, oil, corrosive and other materials;
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